Yoga Asanas for Flexibility: Best Poses & Tips

Yoga Practice Yoga For Health

Yoga gives us many benefits, but knowing where to start is difficult. Different yoga practices have different goals. Some may have multiple benefits in one asana. Because it can be considered a form of functional medicine, you may feel emotionally and physically better when practicing yoga. 

With the focus towards targeting the entire body, it can help treat many chronic conditions. This is why yoga can be a perfect solution for these kinds of conditions. Here are the best poses to get started with. 

Downward Facing Dog - Adho Mukha Svanasana

Of course, we have to start with a classic pose. If you don’t know what Downward Facing Dog is, chances are you have done it a few times in your life. This pose addresses so many areas of concern at once. Your calves and hamstrings will be the most affected, but you may also feel a good stretch in your back and shoulders. 

How To Do It:

  1. Start on your hands and knees with your hands below your shoulders and your knees in line with your hips.
  2. Press your hips up to the sky with your feet and hands flat on the ground. Your body should look like an upside-down V. 
  3. You can keep a slight bend in your knees if you are tight. You can also walk your feet out slightly to reach a more comfortable position. 
Downward Facing Dog Pose - Wearing Blossom Yoga Wear

Garland Pose - Malasana

Most people avoid this pose because it can be pretty intense. But there are plenty of ways to feel more supported in this squat pose. Garland Pose reaches your hips mainly. But it’s good for improving back posture. As we become older it’s natural to want to squat less and less. But the more we do it, the better we will feel. 

How To Do It:

  1. Start with your feet about 12-15 inches apart. Your toes should be pointing slightly outward. 
  2. Take a deep squatted position using your elbows to push apart your knees. 
  3. Keep your back as straight as possible. If you find your heels coming off the ground, roll a towel to support them underneath. You can also use a yoga block underneath your tailbone to support the position.


Malasana - Yogic Squat - wearing Blossom Yoga Wear


Half Lord of the Fishes Pose - Ardha Matsyendrasana

Half Lord of the Fishes Pole is one of the best asanas for getting major areas of the body. It opens up your trunk and back while passively getting to your glutes. In some cases, you may even stretch out your shoulders. This depends on what part of the body you may apply some extra force to. 

How To Do It:

  1. Start in a crossed seated position with your right foot on top of the left. 
  2. Bring your right foot up and flat on the side of your left thigh.
  3. Hug your right leg with your left arm while twisting your body inward towards the right leg. 
  4. Use your right hand to reach further back, opening up your chest to the right. 
  5. To get the full stretch, be sure to look over your right shoulder. 

 Half Lord of the fishes poses - wearing Blossom Yoga Wear

Reclined Hand to Big Toe Pose - Supta Padangusthasana

You may have also come across this stretch before. Lying on your back, take one leg and stretch it as far as you can towards your head. This asana will target your hips, groins, calves, and hamstrings. This can loosen up your glutes and lower back. If you can’t reach your hand to your toe, you may need a yoga strap or something such as a belt for assistance. As this improves you can remove the aids. 

How To Do It:

  1. Start flat on your back with your legs straight and your arms by your side. 
  2. Raise one leg in the air and reach with your hand to grab your toe, pulling it closer to you.
  3. You can also use a belt or strap to wrap around your foot to help get a deeper stretch. 
  4. Hold and switch legs after some deep breaths. 
Supta Padangusthasana - Blossom Yoga Wear

Cat Cow - Bitilasana Marjaryasana

Having a dynamic stretch in your yoga routine is a great way to get your body going. Cat cow is great for increased flexibility and functionality of your back and core. Also, because it’s dynamic, you may be able to feel it getting better with each breath. Dynamic stretches add a different benefit as opposed to static stretching. Yoga flow is very important. 

How To Do It:

  1. Start on all floors with your hands in line with your shoulders and the knees directly below your hips. 
  2. Start by dropping your stomach as low to the ground as you can while raising your head up to the sky. 
  3. After, draw your spine to the ceiling while lowering your head to look at the ground. 
  4. Keep the motion fluid by alternating between these two poses. 
Cat Cow  - Cat Pose Yoga - Blossom Yoga Wear
Cat Cow  - Cow Pose Yoga - Blossom Yoga Wear

Wide Angle Seated Forward Bend - Upavistha Konasana

Ending with a simple but effective stretch, we can look at the wide-angle seated forward bend. This stretch works your lower back but mainly your groins. It’s useful to pair up with a partner or have a strap to help pull you forward. As you become more flexible, you can get rid of any aids you have been using. This applies to any stretch position. 

How To Do It:

  1. Start seated on the floor and spread your legs as wide as possible. Your legs should be straight with no bend in your knees. 
  2. Lean forward reaching directly down the middle. You can use a strap to pull around something stable. You can also ask a partner to sit across from you to take your hands to pull you forward. 
Wide leg forward fold pose - Blossom yoga Wear

Don’t Push It

Flexibility and mobility take time. Most people get eager to start and either push themselves too hard or fall off track. The certified wellness experts at Rahav Wellness emphasis that pushing yourself to do something your body is not ready to do yet can result in injury, so be wary of stressing your body to go extra mile. Results take time as anything, so doing a little daily or a few times a week is the best approach. Sustainable approach towards your regular yoga practice would help in long term impact and effectiveness.

While these are some great poses for flexibility, you can also explore them a little by making variations as you go. Creating a routine is the most important part of committing to the practice. After some time, you can benefit from short-term and long-term results

Just remember it comes down to loving yourself and loving your body! When we do this through our practice, we are better physically, mentally, and emotionally. 

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